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(most of them are in Portuguese)

Esse texto investiga o uso de notações híbridas, envolvendo técnicas cartográficas, notação musical e calendarização, para análise e proposição de situações rítmicas a partir de categorias como duração, medida, andamentos, dinâmicas e escalas, cruzando ritmos “naturais” (ciclos circadianos, anos solares, etc) e “culturais” (semana de trabalho, calendários de eventos, etc).

Rhythmic inflections in street parties in Bahia. Based on the articulation of the concepts of revelry, function and slack, I analyse the rhythms of Salvador's summer parties, including the graphic representation of the parties' score-calendar.

The self-perception of human beings as distinct from other creatures is at the root of the threat to ecosystems posed by the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is therefore a humanist dilemma. Could the relationship between inter-species expression and communication (such as contact with the aesthetic world of insects) be capable of activating a critical listening and perspectivist reflection on the Anthropocene? Based on multidisciplinary references (bioacoustics, ethology, cultural entomology, biomusicology), the implications of a possible music of insects are discussed, as a result of the reflections that emerged in the research process of the 'entomúsica' project (a neologism merging the root 'entomo' [insect], and music). Entomúsica, in this context, means: music made by, with or for insects.

When talking about "urban music", I'm referring not only to the presence of musicians in public spaces separated from an audience of passers-by, but also to everyday musicalities: the preaching of vendors, portable sound-systems, percussive performances on the bodyworks of buses and cars and other typical examples of Salvador's urban culture. This urban music contributes to the creation of a common time, in other words, shared temporalities and rhythms.

This text seeks to theorise about "phonetic music" by investigating the process of creating a "phonemotet". Phonetic music is defined here as the creative use of speech sounds as musical material. "Phonetic music", however, is not a term commonly used in the field of musicology(ies) (including the various disciplines that make up the field: ethnomusicology, music psychology, music analysis and theory, performance...). This text provides a conceptual and practical (poetic) overview of the relationship between speech sounds and musical composition processes. is the website of the ritmundano research project, a partnership between UFRB and UFBA.

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