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About the project:

This website presents results and processes of the research project Ritmos Humanos e Mundanos (Human and Mundane Rhythms), coordinated by Pedro Filho, composer, artist and professor of CECULT-UFRB. The research starts from experiments of application of the method of ritmanalysis (as proposed by Henri Lefebvre): an analysis of everyday rhythms, not only musical but also urban movement, biological rhythms, public and secret rhythms, organic, mechanical, virtual rhythms etc. The immersion in ritmanalysis led to a need to deepen the investigation of some theories of rhythm: from musical theories that investigate metrics, agogic ("conductions" of rhythms), cycles, etc. to transdisciplinary approaches in areas such as: anthropology of time, chronobiology, prosody (linguistics), sequential art, among others. The practical actions of the project seek to apply the techniques of rhythmanalysis to daily situations, which result in descriptive pieces in several outputs. One of the proposed forms of representation synthesizes graphically three devices: maps/musical scores/calendars. Moreover, many ritmanalysis are presented in the form of audios, sequential art (comics and similar) and also in the more traditional academic format of texts. From these studies, rhythmical interventions in urban situations are also proposed, as a practical application of the concept of ritmopeia.

About the author

Pedro Amorim Filho: composer, intermedia artist, researcher and educator. Collaborates with various artists in projects involving music and expanded arts. Currently develops artistic and research work with graphic notations, transhuman listening, phonetic music, analysis of environmental rhythms, among other topics. Professor at the Center of Culture, Languages and Applied Technologies of the Federal University of Reconcavo Baiano (CECULT - UFRB). Coordinates the research project "Ritmos Humanos e Mundanos", which originated this website. is the website of the ritmundano research project, a partnership between UFRB and UFBA.

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